Danger, High Voltage!

This weekend was full of high power! Lots of work done, many connections made, and all of my components are mounted! There are a handful of connections left to make plus the installation of my rear coil springs:

On the topic of my rear springs, they've arrived. I can't recall if I blogged about it, but I ordered new springs to compensate for the additional weight of my batteries. And, although i'm yet to install them, I am very satisfied with the company overall: coilsprings.com

I was referred to them from another EV guy, Randy. So, i called them up and said:"Hey, I have a '93 Tercel and need to support an extra 900lbs in my trunk." Without a flinch, they replied "Okay, just give me the OEM part #s on the original springs, and we'll have them out to you in about 3 weeks." Even better, it only cost me about $250. Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

This week, I'll be picking up a few extra feet of cable, calling the DMV, and renting a spring compressor. Ideally, next weekend, i'll be installing the springs and making my final connections. I may even drive by Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading.


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